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Ways of Listening Billboard


Magpahi Alison Cooper Ways of Listening Billboard at Ebor Studio
Magpahi Ways of Listening Billboard at Ebor Studio

Ways of Listening Billboard

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During 2021, in the depths of lockdowns I reached out digitally to ask, "How do we listen in many different ways?" From music, spoken word, prepared sound or the found sounds that surround us daily.

​As the 'Ways of Listening' project developed it became more poignant, containing one of the last communications between myself and a close friend who passed away. The channels of communication became multi layered. It was both a mechanism to connect with people from the circle of music and art that my life has been immersed in for many years but also an exchange, the giving and receiving information in a strange, unfamiliar world of lockdown separation. The last and final interaction with my friend informed a wider collective group listening experience, during a time of mourning.

​Although we may hear something, to listen is to give our full attention to everything which is around us.

​The word 'listening' is letterpress printed and positioned to replicate the undulating and cyclical repeating pattern of a sine wave. A visual embodiment of this sonic wave length which occurs frequently in nature (wind waves, sound waves, and light) as a wheel of nature. The mathematical symbol represents amplitude alongside a variability of change in time.


This billboard forms part of a larger programme of largescale designs at Ebor Studio where Alison Cooper has a studio. To visit the Ebor Studio billboard archive click here.

Magpahi Alison Cooper Ways of Listening Billboard at Ebor Studio
Magpahi Alison Cooper Ways of Listening Billboard at Ebor Studio

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